Friday, February 1, 2013

Bye Bye Junk Food, Hello Results

Nutrition is paramount on any training plan to achieve results. Everybody knows that. In actuality, it's usually more difficult for me than the workouts. I have buckled down on my junk food. One week into my new nutritional habits and finally feeling some relief from the sugar cravings. I wake up in the morning and have 1 egg microwaved (cuts down on oil) and 1/2 cup of oatmeal cooked with a few raisins for flavor. I workout then eat another egg and another 1/2 cup oatmeal. Tracking calories with "Myfitnesspal" app to avoid overeating and trend towards healthy foods. I'm 175 lbs and eating about 1500-1800 per day. Workouts always cancel calories so I enter those calories and eat more on those days. It's been almost a week since my last Oatmeal Cream Pie and it's nice that the cravings have left me. I have found that eating a good breakfast and 250 calorie snacks every couple hours is working for the hunger. Sugar still smells good but with the cravings down, I avoid almost all sugar except fruits. Snacks the last few days are usually a Cliff Bar and 2 tbls Peanut Butter, Half Turkey Sandwich with Cottage Cheese subbed for Mayo, banana, or oatmeal and an egg. Simplicity takes the guess work out of it. Once I make it to 5 in the afternoon, I try to eat light the rest of the day. Usually a couple bites of cottage cheese before bed for the nightly protein/muscle recovery. Well today's my first day on my new homemade pull-up bar.  Time to put in some work. I hope if you read this blog and regardless of my bad grammar or if we know each other, you will return and check in on my journey from time to time or better yet, join me. One year from now, I'll have one thing I've coveted my whole life. It will be mine. Take some for yourself. Want a reason to get up  Burn the Ships, Feed the Wolf!

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