Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Art of Visualization- 357 days Remaining

Weight: 172
Recovery Day

Very Successful day yesterday. I did my first pull up workout since the beginning of my training and found that I'm in a great position. That position is highly motivated and a lot of room for improvement. I did 4 sets of various pull up and ended up with 52 total pull ups. The workout took about half the day to complete. I am weak starting out and wanted to allow more rest time in between sets to maximize reps. By the time I was finished, I felt pretty destroyed. As far as soreness goes, I have made one circuit through all the muscle groups now and have a good bit of soreness or "success" all over. It helps to add to the feeling of accomplishment. I was at my brothers last night with plenty of calories to spare for the day and they were having hot wings. I decided to stick with my oatmeal and eggs I had brought and finished the day very strong nutritionally. 250 calories under my limit and room for cottage cheese at bedtime. Total calories for 2/1/13, 1585. I'm not sure where my final calorie number will be. I'm going to maintain around 1800 for a few weeks  and monitor my weight to see how things go. I have a fairly low body fat percentage now so I'm expecting a 5-10 lb drop and then a climb up into the 180s. 

Many great teachers have said that visualization is one of the great cornerstones of success. Visualization is picturing in your mind who you want to be and acting as if you're already there. See yourself as this new person. Allow yourself to experience the interactions of this new person with people, places, and things in the world. Want a better body? Think of ways it will affect your daily life. Who it will have an effect on.Try to feel the satisfaction of knowing so much hard work is behind you, you have gained the respect of others through discipline, you are no longer viewed as the same person. Doing this each day before you start can set the stage for excellence. Be the person you want to be today. The French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery said  this,"

“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea”

Don't think about gathering wood or the path will be boring, but picture yourself in the ship already realizing your ocean adventures.

It the spirit of this knowledge, I have recently adopted my own motto from two sources. Cesar's crossing of the Rubicon river and the Native american story of "The two wolves." I'm out of time but I'll expand on these soon. Thanks for following and I hope you have a day of excellence!

Burn the Ships!
Feed the Wolf!

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