Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Back from a Recovery Day!!

333 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 10 months and 30 days from today

Weight: Did Not Weigh
Workout today- Core

I took yesterday off as a recovery day and I feel much better. I really dislike days off despite the importance. They make me feel so far from my goal.  I reached a point where I was sore all over and had zero energy. I'm careful about confusing my energy level with my motivation level. They are very separate things. Usually if my motivation is a bit low, I can remedy that with a couple warm-up sets and some good music. I have been listening to "House Radio" on Pandora. I forgot who gave me that recommendation but THANKS! I was in need of some new sound. I find that once the body gets warmed up good, it's easier to see yourself pushing into the burn. 

 I have read a little lately on "bulking" and "cutting." In case you haven't heard these terms, one means eating a lot of calories to build mass, and the other means creating a calorie deficit to drop fat. I need to read more to make a informed decision but I would like to just continue eating really good (nutritious) calories and see if I can do both. I really don't want to add fat but I want my muscles to have plenty of nutrients to recover and recover well. For now, I have set my daily caloric intake goal at 2500. I do not eat junk. No Double Tree cookies, no cake, no candy. It's all a slippery slope. It messes with your mind. Just one day of not working out and a bad diet can overwhelm motivation. Excellence, that's what we are about here. Max Results. 

After Workout Snack
I've been very focused on my protein lately also. It's very important for fat burning and building muscle. Eating a lean protein with each meal further enhances the slow down in the digestive process that complex carbohydrates gives you and makes you feel full longer. It also supplies your body with the repair materials for patching up the muscles you're building. After every workout and within 30 minutes of completion, you must eat a portion of carbs and some type of protein for max results. I usually have a protein shake with milk and about 30 g of protein. I mix a little grapefruit juice in because the little bit of sugar immediately following a workout is actually beneficial to recovery. 

Mrs. Gann feeding the wolf yesterday! A very driven person, her workout program inspired me to action again. 

Very light workout that I ground out with no energy. This sparked the idea of a recovery day.

It's time for me to make some headway on my goals. I hope you will do the same today. 2013 will pass in a short time. Will you be looking in the mirror next January and thinking of how good it feels to have put in that much effort into you? I hope so.

Tear the place down today! Wreck some stuff!

Goals- Here are a few short-term goals. I will re-post everyday and add dates to them as they are accomplished.

10 Consecutive Pull-ups (Up to 8 on 17 Feb)
1 month of Excellence in Training 
1 Month of Excellence in Diet
10 Good Handstand push-ups (At 3 against a wall 17 Feb)
1 behind the neck pull-up
1 muscle-up
Explosive Pull-up/ Toe Touch
Body Fat 10% (Scale says 13.9% Feb 19, Reliable?)
Human Flag
Pull-up with behind the back clap
Kuki Push-up
Body Fat 6%
One-arm pull up
One-arm leg raises on bar

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