Saturday, February 23, 2013

Calorie Fluctuations, I will get it right!

336 days

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 11 months and 2 days from today

Workout today- Legs

I think another increase in my calories allowed is inevitable. Yesterday I spent the entire day watching the clock and forcing hunger away. At the end of  the day, I reached a level of hunger that was intolerable and I went over on my planned calories of 2000. A large part of this is due to not having access to the foods I would normally use to fix the problem. I am going to set my calorie requirement at 2200 and hopefully on some days I will be able to make extra ground when I am not as hungry. My estimated need with most counters is about 2550 to maintain. The reason again for the calorie counting is that it helps me to focus my nutrition on the types of foods I should be getting i.e. whole grain complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. Additionally, I am reducing my body fat to it's lowest percentage ever for definition. With no calories to spare, I avoid all types of cookies, cakes, and any other thing that reminds me how sweet things can be. Today is a new day and I will strive to budget my calories appropriately. I usually eat 250 calorie snacks when hungry. I may try a few larger 350 calorie meals and see if this changes the dynamic of it all.

Here's yesterdays workout. I'm quite sore in my upper body. Abs are no longer getting sore on abdominal day so I'm going to start mixing in more abs each day. Don't get me wrong, soreness is not necessary to build muscle but I use the residual soreness from the lactic acid to gauge my effort level. I believe the longer this program goes on, the less soreness will occur. That has already been the case. The first few workouts were very painful afterwards. Now I work hard and still function normally throughout the day. I gotta get to some leg work my friends. I am about to make some PROGRESS! 

Have a great workout! TODAY is our day!
Burn the Ships,

Goals- Here are a few short-term goals. I will re-post everyday and add dates to them as they are accomplished.

10 Consecutive Pull-ups (Up to 8 on 17 Feb)
1 month of Excellence in Training 
1 Month of Excellence in Diet
10 Good Handstand push-ups (At 3 against a wall 17 Feb)
1 behind the neck pull-up
1 muscle-up
Explosive Pull-up/ Toe Touch
Body Fat 10% (Scale says 13.9% Feb 19, Reliable?)
Human Flag
Pull-up with behind the back clap
Kuki Push-up
Body Fat 6%
One-arm pull up
One-arm leg raises on bar

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