Thursday, February 14, 2013

Should I train to muscle failure?

345 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 11 months and 11 days from today

Height: 6'1"
Weight: Did not weigh

I am the master of myself. It is 5:41 and I am alive. There is something I want and I want it bad. I'm an animal with tunnel vision. All I see is the goal. I'm moving forward. The crowd of the world and it's countless lazy and normal options bombard me at ever moment but I am strong. Very Strong because there is something I want. I am moving towards it. I cannot be stopped. Through the chaos and the laughing I never take my eyes off my goal. 

Nutrition- Yesterday's nutrition is puzzling. I usually burn off many calories while working out and this allows me to reach my goal without starving. Yesterday I woke at 3:00 am and did not go to sleep until after 11:00 pm. It was a 20 hour day and I did not workout because it was a recovery day. I do not feel like I ate more than necessary. I was consciously eating small amounts of good foods but still became hungry quite often. I was over my goal of 1820 by 644 calories. Honestly I'm not sure if I should scold myself or take it as normal on a super long recovery day.  I don't think I could have ate any less without being miserable so I'm going to chalk this up to learning and just know that I will probably need more calories on days that I don't workout. I will also need to plan for more calories when I am going to be awake and active for 20 hours. Lastly, if possible, I can mitigate these excess calories and increase progress if I am able to include any amount of light cardio on recovery days. 

Training to Muscle Failure- I previously wrote about my workouts and how I train to muscle failure at each workout. Well, in short, that's not cool. After more research it seems that your muscles will strengthen more in relation to total weight moved not whether or not you reach muscle failure. So if you are doing push ups and your sets look like this for example 12, 8, 5, 3 then you have only done 28 push ups. If you pace yourself by reducing the initial reps and do more sets i.e. 5,5,5,5,5,5,5 then you will in fact have moved more weight by doing 35 reps instead of 28. You do not need to reach muscle failure. (muscle failure is defined here as not being able to do another rep with EXCELLENT form.) Armed with this new information, I am planning to reduce my reps and add more sets to my workouts.

It's time to be about it. Great day, Our day.

Goals- Here are a few short-term goals. I will re-post everyday and add dates to them as they are accomplished.
10 Consecutive Pull-ups
1 month of Excellence in Training
1 Month of Excellence in Diet
10 Good Handstand push-ups
1 behind the neck pull-up
1 muscle-up
Explosive Pull-up/ Toe Touch
Body Fat 10%
Human Flag
Pull-up with behind the back clap
Kuki Push-up
Body Fat 6%
One-arm pull up
One-arm leg raises on bar

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