Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Writing Your Own History

339 days

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 11 months and 5 days from today

Height: 6'1"
Weight: Did not weigh
Upper Body

Why am I here? I am here to make history. My own history. I am not here to make a small change and forget it in a couple of years; I am here to change the course of my life. I want this. I have always wanted this. I have never been as disciplined as I am now. I am growing everyday. I have already put in hours of work and hours of disciplined eating. My progress is surging forward. It is happening. I am going to the gym in a few minutes and I'm going to put in serious work towards my goal.

I sometimes miss a day of the writing the blog due to my work schedule. Know that on those days, instead of writing, I am putting in the work during my free time. Yesterday I woke up at 4:00 am and for an hour and a half I danced in the rain, mud, and cold again. I refuse to make excuses. I refuse to be beaten. I will not stop until this is mine. I haven't taken an off day or worked out for less than an hour in over a week. Recovery days are good sometimes but I haven't needed one, haven't wanted to miss a day of training, and they are an obstacle in my mind so I am avoiding them as much as possible.

Nutrition- I have been slightly over on my planned calories the last two days.(About 500 in the hole) I will work today to bring my weekly average into compliance. I am not eating junk food at all. When I go over, it's usually because I have been awake for a very long time at work.

Time to get busy. I hope you make serious progress toward your goals today. But truly, you must do it for yourself. You are worth it aren't you? We spend our lives meeting deadlines for others. For work, for society.... Doing things that must be done.....well, make this something that must be done. Do it for you. No Excuses.

I am Bradley Gann and 2013 is my year. I will not be out worked today.

Burn the Ships!
Feed the Wolf!

Goals- Here are a few short-term goals. I will re-post everyday and add dates to them as they are accomplished.

10 Consecutive Pull-ups (Up to 8 on 17 Feb)
1 month of Excellence in Training 
1 Month of Excellence in Diet
10 Good Handstand push-ups (At 3 against a wall 17 Feb)
1 behind the neck pull-up
1 muscle-up
Explosive Pull-up/ Toe Touch
Body Fat 10% (Scale says 13.9% Feb 19, Reliable?)
Human Flag
Pull-up with behind the back clap
Kuki Push-up
Body Fat 6%
One-arm pull up
One-arm leg raises on bar

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