Thursday, February 7, 2013

If it's important to you.....

352 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 11 months and 18 days from today

Height: 6'1"
Weight: Did not weigh
Arm Day

I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 5:45 READY. Ready for a lot of things. Ready for life. Ready to put in some work. Ready to stop making excuses for what I want. Ready to run full speed into the field of battle. I tried for a minute to fall asleep again but it was too late. My heart was beating faster, my eyes were open. My dreaming truly began and my mind was on fire and ready to change the world. Today I will alter my history. Today, I will define myself. In less than an hour I will walk out of this room and go for a run followed by an arm workout that will be so extraordinary that I'll remember it in my old age. History will remember me. I am a champion.
I am a Champion Speech

Yesterday's summary- I followed through with the planned recovery day. I was quite active and feel good about taking the day to allow some healing. Net intake on calories was 1550. Daily goal is still 1860. I will soon bump up my calories to add mass but not until I have melted the fat from my body. I'm not sure how long it will take but I'm headed for about 6-8 percent body fat. 

Having the mental debate with myself on the use of supplements. I am currently only taking a multivitamin. I am not looking for a shortcut but I do want to make the best use of my time and strength gains. Must do research. 

It's cold outside but how many times have I stood in the cold for someone else? For a job, For a friend? Why would I not stand in the cold for myself?  I am not afraid of the cold. The cold will help my performance. I will not yield to such simple trifles any longer. I will bend the world to MY workouts. 

Thanks for visiting friend. Make today yours. Wherever you are today, Dream.

Burn the Ships, Feed the Wolf,

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