Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Temple- The Fun Bar

354 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 11 months and 20 days from today
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 168.4 (Lost 2 pounds in last 2 days) A bit excessive but yesterday was intense.
Recovery Day Today( I ended up doing a hardcore leg day)

Good morning and thanks for visiting my blog to transform myself in one year. Yesterday ended up being a chest day. Very strong workout. Afterwards I followed my wife on a bike pulling a trailer with my son for 7 miles. Nutrition goal after adding the 1860 daily and 806 bonus calories that I burned during workout I had an allowance of about 2600. I finished the day with 1400 remaining. It sounds low but I am not hungry. Switching to whole grain carbs like sweet potatoes and oatmeal has really changed my appetite. I am careful to eat protein, carbs, and maybe 5-10 g of sugar immediately following a workout and always with 30 mins of completion. This is a magical time where your body is able to replace it's necessary stockpiles most efficiently. I am trying to eat perfectly while at home because I work on the road occasionally and finding the right combination of foods on the road is tough. I usually take 95% of my food to work with me for 4 days. It is rare when I have to buy food while traveling. My food is cheaper, more healthy, and always within reach so I can stay on schedule. As far as a schedule goes, I eat when I'm hungry. I have tried setting a timer in the past for a couple hours and I always stared at it wondering when I could eat next. I have found that sweet spot where my brain begins to say, "hey, just stop here and get a hamburger." Or, "Oh, that smells good." Then I immediately sit down and eat about 250 calories. Any less does me little good and I end up staying in a constant state of hunger. Today is gonna be an easy day. Just muscle recovery and nutrition. Here are some daily pics. Just imagine these simple things over and over engender excellence.  
A normal breakfast. The last 8 days I've ate this everyday. Yes, the taste occasionally gets old, but after the meal and I'm no longer hungry, the success of deciding my future is so much better than a momentary taste bud happiness. 
Essentials for getting to work. I try to log all the workouts. It's nice in a down time to look back at a very tangible record of repeated success. Having a great track record of work can motivate you to realize all is not lost if you have a bad day. 
Here is the new muscle bar we've built in the front yard. The ladder on the left is for the incline sit-up bench. The single board on the right is for leg assisted handstand push ups and it works awesome! You can slightly see the pull up bar near the top. I am going to add dip bars soon.

-Not normal and easy, but a harder path...a path of excellence! And I will arrive on the field of battle violently!- 

In the great words of Jack London, "You can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club."

I can wish you to have "a great day" all week long, but only you can get up, get a plan, and make it happen. Want it. Plan it. Get it.

Burn the ships, Feed the wolf!

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