Friday, March 29, 2013

3300 Calories and 30 min Workouts- Ectomorph

302 days

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 9 months and 27 days from today

Wow, time flies. I've been at this for two months already. I feel like I'm making progress but March was rough with the injury, but that is in the past. Now, I am strong and rolling along. Limiting my workouts to 30 mins right now and very heavy weights. I try to choose a weight that I can only lift 6-8 reps and I'm only doing 3 sets. Hopefully this will limit the amount of muscle I burn for energy and help me to gain some mass. I've been eating 3300 calories a day now for several days. I seem to recover faster from the workouts now and I honestly feel a change. I think not bulking has been my problem for years. I workout hard and burn up any new muscle I had gained. I am limiting cardio right now for the same reason. Although I really enjoy running and look forward to cutting when I can do more of it. I don't know how much weight I should try to gain before I switch back to cutting. I was 175 when I started initially, lost down to 168 which made an amazing difference in my abs and definition, and yesterday the scale was around 180. I think this is good progress. Right now its time to go get after it for a bit. Think I'll do some legs, shoulders, and biceps today. 

You don't wait for motivation, you go out looking for it with a club. 

Thanks for checking in on my progress. 

Hope your training is rocking along. If not, what are you waiting for? Start.

Feed The Wolf,

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