Thursday, March 21, 2013


      I had a short workout this morning and miraculously did not injure anything. Learned a few things in my research. I am an ectomorph. The body type that refuses to grow and burns all calories that enter. I am lucky in that I can cut fat quickly as noted by February's success and quick retrieval of my abs. But, this means I will have to eat like my life depended on it in order to grow out of this slender body. I have set the daily caloric goal at 3000 calories again starting today. Additionally, I learned that my two hour workouts are most likely burning up any new muscle that my body has built. My new focus will be short workouts with weight that will only permit 6-8 reps and only 3-4 sets. I'm really fascinated with how much science has learned about building muscle. I realize I have a world of stuff to learn and I'm actively seeking a more rigid plan to mimic. Reflecting more on my recent injuries, I have also noted that both of them were in the morning before my body truly woke up and became limber. I should be able to combat or prevent to some degree any future maladies by waiting until later in the morning for my workout so that I am adequately flexible and by doing several minutes of warm-up stretches and light exercises. Feels great to be back. (Fingers crossed) I'll weigh soon and post it. I'm curious of what my weigh is doing. I expect it to be about where it's always been around 175.


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