Sunday, April 7, 2013

All Kinds of Gains, 10 Pull-up Milestone

293 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 9 months and 18 days from today

Weight: 178.6!!!

Good Morning Friends! It's a very exciting morning for me. Despite the reduction in the blogs, I am still wholly dedicated to my task and making great progress. April 7, marks the end of a couple weeks of "bulking" and the results are coming in. I weighed  this morning and I am happy to say my weight has climbed to 178.6. I was about 168 last month when I cut most of the fat off. I have noticed a slightly less dramatic ripped look but my abs are still visible meaning much of that new weight is muscle. In addition to that, I reached another milestone yesterday while working out....I finally made it to 10 consecutive pull-ups, up from 7 when I started.

Just a quick look at my strategy right now, I am working out for 30 minutes or less and targeting 3-4 muscles. Some days I have done two of these sessions. During the workout, I go heavy on the weight in order to stimulate the muscle as much as possible in a short time. After my workout,  I immediately begin eating heavy and get my body back into anabolic (fat storing, muscle building) mode. Nutrition has been focused on 3300 calories a day. I try to get 20-30 g of protein with each snack and I'm shooting for 200 g of protein per day. I eat simple carbs 30m-1hr before a workout to prevent catabolic consumption of my muscles. (Cata­bolic reac­tions are the break­down of organic mol­e­cules for energy.) 

This all seems to be working for now. I am not sure how much bulking I will do before another cut but as of now, the muscle gains are good and fat percentage is down so we keep going. I'm still working hard on my "muscle-up" and looking forward to being strong enough to do those on the pull-up bar. Handstand push-ups are also going great with 10 reps now not a big problem. I just want to be able to do them freestanding. Have a great day and stay after your dreams. We are doing it now. 

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Stay at it!! Stay focused!! 
Feed the Wolf!!!

Thanks for checking in friends, I value your support and I'm very excited about where we are going.

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