Sunday, April 28, 2013


The last week I have slacked off slightly. I have started doing just the workouts that I like and omitting crucial muscles like legs. I need to get back to a plan. I lost my appetite last week and have not been eating as much as needed. I have been in a mental struggle to decide if I should start cutting again. I'm going to write a solid plan in the next few days and get this train pointed in a solid direction. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

MUSCLE UP GOAL-BAM! New Goals Reached

284 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 9 months and 9 days from today

I am growing. I am realizing new strengths now more than ever. I have truly created a new habit by working out almost everyday now. Mentally, getting up and working out is part of my day that I look forward to. I am not always in the "mood" to exert a high work load. But, by building a routine of changing clothes, stretching, eating a preworkout snack, getting my journal/workout log and headphones ready and thinking about what I'm going to do. My body will usually get on board and get fired up. I am still limiting my workouts to about 30 min. This prevents any anxiety about working out because it takes almost no time, it lets me workout at a higher intensity, and keeps my body from breaking down muscle for energy while I play. I will say that many times I get to the end of my workout and start to do just another set or another exercise and I have to make myself get out of the gym. Once I'm warmed up, I want to burn every muscle I have got and make progress but I don't think that is the best method right now. I want to gain  weight and add muscle mass.

 Since I have started eating 3300-4000 calories per day my physical strength has shot forward. My pull-up max has moved from 8 to 12 reps continuously. My entire upper body feels stronger and I am noticing an decrease in flexibility from the new growth. My weight is in the low 180's now and I am hoping to get above 185 in the next couple of weeks. I am rapidly losing my cut look due to the caloric increase but my results later will be more pronounced if my muscles have grown.

This past week I realized one of my key goals when starting this program. I did my first sloppy muscle up. the next day I did another and the third day I did 2. I am very excited about this accomplishment and look forward to improving my form and number of repetitions. After putting in so much work, I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever do it and then BAM! I'll try to put a video up soon of me doing one so I can look back on how rough they were in the beginning. Steady progress my friends. Little by little. I'm only 2.5 months into my transformation and steady on course. 2013 will always be the year I got serious and made it happen.

Thank YOU for your continued support. Keep your goal in the front of your mind and make any progress towards it daily. It's tough when you expected results already and they are not visible yet, hold the line, keep moving forward. The world is yours to take.

If you see someone in the gym that looks out of place, say something encouraging. Imagine that they are putting themselves out there to be better. Make a positive difference in their life by being a friend. It might be all they need to change the course of their life. How amazing would it be to give that Dad or Mom 5 or 10 more years with their family by being healthy just by making them feel welcome and in the right place.

Have a great workout!


Goals- Here are a few short-term goals. I will re-post everyday and add dates to them as they are accomplished.

10 Consecutive Pull-ups (12 Consecutive Pull-ups 7 April)
1 month of Excellence in Training (February 2013)
1 Month of Excellence in Diet (February 2013)
10 Good Handstand push-ups (7 against a wall on April 16 balance improving with strength)
1 behind the neck pull-up (March 31, 2013)
1 muscle-up (April 12, 2013)
Explosive Pull-up/ Toe Touch
Body Fat 10% (Got close to 12% before starting bulk)
Human Flag
Pull-up with behind the back clap
Kuki Push-up
Body Fat 6%
One-arm pull up
One-arm leg raises on bar

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fear of Failure- Be the one

290 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 9 months and 15 days from today

It's a freaking great day to be alive and able to move forward with my goals. Ever noticed that right before you do something big, you always get those butterflies that tell you to turn and run or that little voice of doubt in your mind that tries to tell you that you're not worthy or qualified? I think it's fair to say that in life most people get this feeling before they put themselves out there. That makes it normal and ordinary. What makes a person extraordinary is having the mental strength to battle that feeling with self assuring thoughts and to step out of the crowd anyway. We each have our own goals in life and face different types of fears each day. One of the greatest of these is fear of failure. I face this fear often and I constantly work mentally to stay focused on the positive and moving forward. It can be tough. Not just with fitness but other things as well. I hope you are talking yourself up and realizing your true value. Put yourself out there and make a difference. All those other people who did it are just people like you and me. Have a great one!
Feed The Wolf!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

All Kinds of Gains, 10 Pull-up Milestone

293 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 9 months and 18 days from today

Weight: 178.6!!!

Good Morning Friends! It's a very exciting morning for me. Despite the reduction in the blogs, I am still wholly dedicated to my task and making great progress. April 7, marks the end of a couple weeks of "bulking" and the results are coming in. I weighed  this morning and I am happy to say my weight has climbed to 178.6. I was about 168 last month when I cut most of the fat off. I have noticed a slightly less dramatic ripped look but my abs are still visible meaning much of that new weight is muscle. In addition to that, I reached another milestone yesterday while working out....I finally made it to 10 consecutive pull-ups, up from 7 when I started.

Just a quick look at my strategy right now, I am working out for 30 minutes or less and targeting 3-4 muscles. Some days I have done two of these sessions. During the workout, I go heavy on the weight in order to stimulate the muscle as much as possible in a short time. After my workout,  I immediately begin eating heavy and get my body back into anabolic (fat storing, muscle building) mode. Nutrition has been focused on 3300 calories a day. I try to get 20-30 g of protein with each snack and I'm shooting for 200 g of protein per day. I eat simple carbs 30m-1hr before a workout to prevent catabolic consumption of my muscles. (Cata­bolic reac­tions are the break­down of organic mol­e­cules for energy.) 

This all seems to be working for now. I am not sure how much bulking I will do before another cut but as of now, the muscle gains are good and fat percentage is down so we keep going. I'm still working hard on my "muscle-up" and looking forward to being strong enough to do those on the pull-up bar. Handstand push-ups are also going great with 10 reps now not a big problem. I just want to be able to do them freestanding. Have a great day and stay after your dreams. We are doing it now. 

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Stay at it!! Stay focused!! 
Feed the Wolf!!!

Thanks for checking in friends, I value your support and I'm very excited about where we are going.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Building Project Burns all my calories!

298 days 

until Saturday January 25 2014

a Saturday 9 months and 23 days from today

The last few days have been spent on a building project at my home. My calorie counting has suffered from the all day work. Unfortunately, I don't think I could have eaten enough calories to gain any weight during these few days. Every muscle I have is sore. Tomorrow I will focus on entering all my food again and try to get my calorie count back up to 3300. I am also planning a good workout tomorrow. I'm finding that it can be expensive to eat as much as I'm eating. Also, if I limit myself to "good" carbs and protein, I really can't fit that much into my stomach in a day. I'm eating poptarts some because they are heavy in calories (400 for two) and those simple carbs should sustain me while my body builds muscle. Of course I'm drinking a protein shake with the poptarts. They also digest quickly so I can eat again. Almost out of strawberry protein powder. Time to start over on chocolate.

Thanks for stopping by.
Work Hard tomorrow!

Goals- Here are a few short-term goals. I will re-post everyday and add dates to them as they are accomplished.

10 Consecutive Pull-ups (Up to 8 on 17 Feb)
1 month of Excellence in Training (February 2013)
1 Month of Excellence in Diet (February 2013)
10 Good Handstand push-ups (At 3 against a wall 17 Feb)
1 behind the neck pull-up (March 31, 2013)
1 muscle-up
Explosive Pull-up/ Toe Touch
Body Fat 10% (Got close to 12% before starting bulk)
Human Flag
Pull-up with behind the back clap
Kuki Push-up
Body Fat 6%
One-arm pull up
One-arm leg raises on bar